Set on Earth in the year 2065, in the Australian Territory of Red Dust City. Beyond its safe walls and advanced technology lays a baron and lifeless desert scorched by extreme climates as a result of over pollution and the mining of unsustainable natural material. This story follows the journey of Gaia Green as she tries to restore the environment and protect what little is left of it, while she navigates a world of fantastic technological advancement and terrifying decay of natural life. In the events of issue 1 Gaia discovers a band of thugs on an expedition to harvest a hidden rainforest deep in the mountains for its now rare resources for a quick fortune. When Gaia’s attempt to alert authorities fails, she takes matters into her own hands tracking the crew to a hidden forest in the mountains then sabotaging the harvest crew’s equipment and operation before they can strip the land of its last forest, in a courageous victory against the thugs Gaia makes her stand. Setting Motif: The Red Dust City acts as the centre of human society in the Graphic Novel, the environment around the city is lifeless but the further away Gaia travels from the city the more living nature she encounters. This represents the pressing idea that humans are so disconnected from nature that it almost does not exist in their world.