Cloud Chasers is an action/adventure 3D animated short film that presents a future Earth boiled dry by the effects of Climate Change, aimed at thought provoking and expressing the need to move towards a sustainable future. Whilst also reminding viewers of their humanity and the value of water as our world gets closer to the dystopia of Cloud Chasers. This thrilling tale explores a new world of imaginative culture purely revolved around the thirst for water.
Name: Nakoha of the Sparrow Clan 
Role: Lead Chaser for the Sparrow Clan 
Background: Best Pilot among the seven clans. Daughter of the Sparrow Chieftain. Next in line to be Chieftain. A leader within her Clan. Lost her left arm in a plane crash, now has a mechanical prosthetic arm. Pilot of the Red Sparrow, Nakoha’s Chaser Aeroplane. 
Characteristics: Devoted, Brave, Kind, Compassionate, Intelligent, Empathetic. 
Motives: ensuring the survival of her clan, becoming the next chieftain after her father, leading her people into a better way of life.
 Age: 24 
Gender: Female
Set on the sandy planes of a long-forgotten Earth, where desert stretches from coast to coast and the people live in nomadic clans. Fresh water is the most valuable resource, also the rarest. To survive in this harsh world ‘Chasers’ from each of the seven clans must patrol the skies for clouds using airships built from remnants of the old ones to harvest water. But with so many thirsty mouths only one clan can get enough water from a single cloud. By the law of the desert the first ‘Chaser’ to the cloud has the right to its water. It has been weeks since the last cloud was seen, tensions are high, and water reserves are low. Until an enormous storm cloud is spotted on the horizon and it is up to the courageous Nakoha, Chaser for the Sparrow clan, to be the first to the cloud.